• New Defects reported by C

    From scan-admin@coverity.com@VERT to cov-scan@synchro.net on Fri Dec 6 13:41:00 2024

    Please find the latest report on new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.

    3 new defect(s) introduced to Synchronet found with Coverity Scan.
    9 defect(s), reported by Coverity Scan earlier, were marked fixed in the recent build analyzed by Coverity Scan.

    New defect(s) Reported-by: Coverity Scan
    Showing 3 of 3 defect(s)

    ** CID 515659: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    /readmail.cpp: 814 in sbbs_t::readmail(unsigned int, int, int)()

    *** CID 515659: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    /readmail.cpp: 814 in sbbs_t::readmail(unsigned int, int, int)()
    808 }
    810 smb_close(&smb);
    811 smb_stack(&smb,SMB_STACK_POP);
    812 current_msg=NULL;
    CID 515659: Resource leaks (RESOURCE_LEAK)
    Variable "mail" going out of scope leaks the storage it points to.
    814 return lm_mode;
    815 }
    817 int sbbs_t::searchmail(mail_t *mail, int start, int msgs, int which, const char *search, const char* order)
    818 {
    819 char* buf;

    ** CID 515658: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)

    *** CID 515658: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    /dupefind.c: 75 in display_filename()
    69 char *display_filename(scfg_t *cfg, uint dirnum, uint32_t fil_off)
    70 {
    71 static char str[256];
    72 static smb_t smb;
    73 if(smb_open_dir(cfg, &smb, dirnum) != SMB_SUCCESS)
    74 return smb.last_error;
    CID 515658: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    Calling "smb_fseek(smb.sid_fp, (fil_off - 1U) * 128UL, 0)" without checking return value. It wraps a library function that may fail and return an error code.
    75 smb_fseek(smb.sid_fp, (fil_off - 1) * sizeof(fileidxrec_t), SEEK_SET); 76 fileidxrec_t idx;
    77 if(smb_fread(&smb, &idx, sizeof(idx), smb.sid_fp) != sizeof(idx)) {
    78 smb_close(&smb);
    79 return smb.last_error;
    80 }

    ** CID 515657: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    /load_cfg.c: 627 in smb_open_dir()

    *** CID 515657: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    /load_cfg.c: 627 in smb_open_dir()
    621 if(filelength(fileno(smb->shd_fp)) < 1) {
    622 smb->status.max_files = cfg->dir[dirnum]->maxfiles; 623 smb->status.max_age = cfg->dir[dirnum]->maxage;
    624 smb->status.attr = SMB_FILE_DIRECTORY; 625 if(cfg->dir[dirnum]->misc & DIR_NOHASH)
    626 smb->status.attr |= SMB_NOHASH;
    CID 515657: Error handling issues (CHECKED_RETURN)
    Calling "smb_create" without checking return value (as is done elsewhere 16 out of 17 times).
    627 smb_create(smb);
    628 }
    629 return SMB_SUCCESS;
    630 }
    632 int get_lang_count(scfg_t* cfg)

    To view the defects in Coverity Scan visit, https://u15810271.ct.sendgrid.net/ls/click?upn=u001.AxU2LYlgjL6eX23u9ErQy-2BKADyCpvUKOL6EWmZljiu4gdQbQRNsarCbK0jIoVQSWT2zCPijRqaed4AhLiEI9Z7MR9SJQ09ot5XPbn9SW-2F14-3DArCi_7FYjIqE8olEh4k02KWtt1r1LGSyuXVEtCuKuJCXgAQZBUi-2F07t06F46PFVW9NK8AEOuHmZrMv6aNSdOw0AIeo4ogvPzV8VRWZ8jRTfiHC12zKsA4sipybJiH6RgyZ0m7AfiNQvXpSFbavk3k9Q6PyWgsjGH13ueAcyWa7DsklJg0kfAfT7EZWBHjtJZZ7z9FYBEIQ4aPAWfq3llNwIH-2F5w-3D-3D